Some 10% Of Romania’s Work Force Went Abroad
Sociologist Dumitru Sandu presented Thursday, within a debate, three directions that Romania needs on the migration segment.
Thus, Sandu states policies focusing on labor abroad, immigrations, because Romania will become an immigration country in 8-12 years, and policies regarding migration and development, as migration policies need to be considered on a regional development basis.
„Romania lacks a connection between the migration policy and the development policy. In Romania, there is a deficit in three directions, namely a normative deficit, a vision deficit and a data deficit. The immigration segment is covered much better than the emigration segment from a legislative standpoint,” Sandu said.
He said that in 2008 Romanians abroad sent back to Romania EUR6 billion, namely 5% of the GDP.
„Some 35-40% of 7.3 million households have living standards influenced by money coming from abroad. Departures abroad led to a widening of gaps, as the rich got richer and the poor got poorer,” Dumitru Sandu said.