Romanian PM Cancels Ex-Education Min’s Order On School Management Appointments

Publicat: 02 10. 2009, 11:33
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:31

„I have repealed the order by which school principals had to be appointed by order of the minister,” Boc said Friday upon leaving the Education Ministry, where he met with the former minister to take over his interim position.

The order, issued by Andronescu two weeks ago, almost got the minister fired at that time, as Boc said it went against the law on education and is completely opposite to the principle of decentralization allowing local administrations to appoint school principals. The act had not been repealed, but hadn’t been enforced either.

In the meantime, all social democrats quit the government Thursday and split the country’s ruling coalition following Boc’s dismissal of the social democrat Interior Minister Dan Nica.

The Romanian government is now made up of democrat liberals, who have taken interim positions to fill the ministries left vacant.