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Current Wage Draft Law Boosts Already Alarming Migration Of Doctors – Romania’s Doctors College

Romania’s Doctors College said if the current unitary pay draft law is adopted, the number of doctors who leave the country will increase, adding that the draft law was not accompanied by debates, but only by incomplete information.
Current Wage Draft Law Boosts Already Alarming Migration Of Doctors - Romania’s Doctors College
23 aug. 2009, 17:34, English

The representatives of the Doctors College are displeased with the fact that the unitary pay draft law for the public sector employees was not under debate, being accompanied only by partial information, adding that its adoption will only increase the doctors’ migration, which is already alarming.

“Such an important measure must be accompanied by extensive debates, even if the Government assumes responsibility for it. Until now, only disparate information has been made public, although this draft law has been discussed in the government meeting. It has been said repeatedly that the revenues will not be cut, and i has been discussed only about salaries. If the doctors’ bonuses will be reduced by 30%, the global income will drop. We demand explanations in this case,” said head of the Doctors College, dr. Vasile Astarastoae, cited in the official statement.

The institution is surprised that a primary care physician was placed fifth in the wage grid which includes 15 quotients.

“(…) We suggest those in charge of drafting the wage grid to read the recommendations of the international organizations that are included also in the report of the presidential commission on health, which clearly stipulates that the minimum wage of any doctor (and not of a primary care physician) must reach the tripled value of the country’s minimum wage,” Astarastoae said.