Bucharest Ambulance Service Wants To Break World Record For Largest CPR Lesson

The Bucharest Ambulance Service (SABI) will attempt to break the world record for the largest CPR training class, by gathering 7000 people on Dinamo Stadium for a teaching marathon in July.


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Bucharest Ambulance Service Wants To Break World Record For Largest CPR Lesson

The current record was set in Mexico last year, when 6,577 people took part in the mass lesson.

The event will begin on July 26 at 7 p.m. and will last 50-80 minutes, SABI manager Dr. Alis Grasu explained. Around 700 specialized instructors will teach the participants all they need to know about CPR. After the crash-course, the participants will demonstrate the techniques on 700 dummies.

A Guinness World Records official will be on the scene. The event will be supervised by the "Carol Davila" Medical University in Bucharest.

Participants may register at the SABI headquarters or on the website www.sabif.ro.

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