Bucharest Appeal Court To Decide On Extradition Of Turkish Journalist

Turkish journalist Kamil Demirkaya was interviewed by the Bucharest Appeal Court on Wednesday, after Turkey’s Justice Ministry requested his extradition. The journalist works for the Romanian branch of the anti-government Zaman newspaper.


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Bucharest Appeal Court To Decide On Extradition Of Turkish Journalist

The journalist was detained by Romanian authorities at his home, according to a statement issued by the publication, which also adds that he filed in November for extending his temporary residence permit in the country.

The Bucharest Appeal Court will judge the request, court spokesperson Viviana Ciuca told MEDIAFAX.

“Zaman Romania requests Romanian authorities to take into account the fact that Ankara started in the summer of 2016 a hunt for journalists and all those who oppose Erdogan’s totalitarian regime. Kamil Demirkaya only made his duty as a journalist, writing about the abuses of powers in Ankara”, reads the Zaman statement.

The newspaper also adds the journalist was previously the general director of Zaman Bulgaria, and that he arrived in Romania two years ago.


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