Bucharest Authorities Crack Down On Uptown Building Ads

The Bucharest municipality plans to ban ads placed on buildings in central city, on art and historic monuments, on fences in cemeteries, public parks and gardens, as well as on road tunnel walls, sidewalks and trees, the municipality said in a draft decision.


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Bucharest Authorities Crack Down On Uptown Building Ads

According to the draft act, placing ads on central buildings will only be allowed on the buildings’ terraces, provided the signs will be up to three meters tall in case of buildings whose facades are up to 15 meters in height and up to six meters for buildings higher than 15 meters.
Construction sites will only be allowed to place one big-sized ad during the works, while light signs will have to be located so they do not disturb car and pedestrian traffic, the draft act noted.
Illegal ads will trigger fines ranging between 500 lei (EUR1-RON4.2950) and RON5,000.

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