Bucharest City Council Meeting Ends In Scandal, Deputy Mayor’s Political Support Withdrawn

Thursday’s meeting of the Bucharest City Council reportedly ended in a physical altercation, as the local Social Democrat Party (PSD) withdrew political support for Deputy Mayor Aurelian Badulescu and unsuccessfully tried to have him dismissed.


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Bucharest City Council Meeting Ends In Scandal, Deputy Mayor’s Political Support Withdrawn

According to Badulescu, the altercation took place between him and interim PSD Bucharest chairman and Sector 6 Mayor Gabriel Mutu, as he claimed that the latter “threw a water bottle” at him following disagreements on the dismissal procedure.

However, the PSD Bucharest chairman denied reports of a physical altercation and told MEDIAFAX that situation only amounted to a “heated debated”.

Town hall sources told MEDIAFAX that local police had to intervene to settle the conflict.

The scandal erupted after PSD Bucharest announced that it withdrew political support for Badulescu on Wednesday. PSD councilor Honorius Circa requested the insertion on Thursday’s meeting agenda of a draft decision which saw the deputy mayor’s dismissal from office.

The document was not added to the meeting's agenda, however, due to faulty submission procedures and the lack of a specialized report on the matter.

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