Bucharest City Hall To Ban Graffiti Outside Designated Areas – Draft Decision
Bucharest City Hall proposes banning graffiti outside designated areas unless artists have permission from property owners, to avoid acts of vandalism on buildings, subway stations, phone booths or passageways.
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The draft decision regulating graffiti in Bucharest was posted on the website of the Bucharest city hall and is up for public debate until November 4.
The draft decision was initiated as graffiti has become a widespread phenomenon in Bucharest, because it is not clearly regulated.
Defacing property with graffiti without the consent of the owners is considered vandalism and grafitti artists face fines and even prosecution.
Grafitti on historical buildings, fences, subway stations and other public or private places affect both the people living in the city and the city's architectural image and historical value, says the explanatory note of the draft decision.
The draft normative act stipulates "graffiti is banned in Bucharest without the consent of the property owners."
The draft decision also states graffiti is allowed in designated areas in public parks and gardens administered by institutions subordinated to the Bucharest General Council or District councils and administrators and Bucharest sector mayors must designate such areas within 30 days after the decision is adopted.
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