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Bucharest Court Of Appeal Cancels One UDMR Deputy Mandate
The Bucharest Court of Appeal cancelled, Friday, the deputy mandate obtained by Magyar minority party candidate Koto Jozsef in the electoral college of Romanians abroad, following the case opened by Magyar minority party candidate Benedek Imre Sandor against the Central Electoral Office.
Bucharest Court Of Appeal Cancels One UDMR Deputy Mandate
According to Benedek Imre Sandor, through the sentence rendered Friday in case 7882/2/2008, opened by him against the Romanian Central Electoral Office, the Bucharest Court of Appeal cancelled the mandate of Koto Jozsef. The sentence can be challenged within five days.
"The court cancelled the mandate obtained by the Democratic Union of Magyars in Romania in college 43 abroad. The court has also rejected my request for a mandate," Benedek said.
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