Bucharest Court Sentences Ex Deputy Nati Meir To 4Yr Jail Term In Swindling Case
Former deputy Nati Meir was sentenced to a four-year jail term by the Bucharest Court after he deceived several people to whom he promised jobs in Israel.
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The Bucharest Court decided Tuesday to sentence Meir to three years imprisonment for deception, with a sentence increase of one year, thus Nati Meir is set to spend four years in prison.
Also, the court decided to seize over $11,000, EUR700 and close to 20,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.1092) from Meir and forced the defendant to pay over RON30,000 to fiscal authorities in solidarity with the company SC Orwalsam Trading SRL, added with the payment of RON70,000 to the state, for legal expenses.
The court allowed the claims of 71 people swindled by Nati Meir with sums ranging from several hundred lei to several thousand dollars or euros, worth a total $40,000, RON44,000 and EUR5,400.
The ruling may be challenged at the Bucharest Court of Appeals.
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