Bucharest District 4 Mayor Questioned In Corruption Scandal

Bucharest District 4 mayor Cristian Popescu came Friday morning to the National Anticorruption Department to offer details in a case investigated by anticorruption prosecutors.


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Bucharest District 4 Mayor Questioned In Corruption Scandal

Popescu’s name came up within the investigation where 22 people, including police officers within the Arges county driving license service, were arrested under the charge of fraudulently issuing documents.

Investigations revealed that 200 residence files were missing. Allegedly, one of the missing files belonged to Popescu, who last year was registered as living in Arges locality Topoloveni for 30 days. The period coincides with the time when Popescu obtained his driving license.
The Romanian National Anticorruption Department (DNA) requested, in June, arrest warrants in the name of 20 people involved in the wide corruption scandal that includes employees from the Arges Driving License and Registrations Service, including the service chief, Codrut Gheorghe Vlasceanu. Later, two more people were arrested.

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