Bucharest Makes World Record Bid With 281-Kilo Cake

Romania’s capital city Bucharest attempted a new world record on Sunday with a 281-kilogram (619.49 pounds) fruit and cream cake, after it previously made another two bids, with the world’s longest smoked sausage and the biggest Christmas give-away ever.


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Bucharest Makes World Record Bid With 281-Kilo Cake

After confirming the record, a representative of the Guinness Book of World Records presented the certificate to city mayor Sorin Oprescu.
The cake was to be cut and served to residents.
“Bucharest citizens confirmed once again they want to lead a regular life. I would like you to understand that all those things that happened over the past days were meant for you, and that Bucharest stands for something in Europe and in the world,” Oprescu said.
On Saturday, Bucharest broke the world record for the longest smoked sausage, of 392 meters (1,286 feet).
Last week, the Romanian capital claimed the world’s biggest ever Christmas give-away, after 3,939 Santas paraded through the city handing out gifts.

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