President Traian Basescu has called for the organization of a national referendum, to be held on November 22 along with presidential elections, to see whether Romanians want the country’s parliament downsized to a single chamber and a maximum 300 lawmakers.
The Parliament gave Basescu’s call for referendum a vote of disapproval, but the president is expected to issue a decree for its organization Thursday, as the Parliament’s opinion is just consultative.
Nicolaescu said the liberals’ initiative amends the election law and simply changes representation in Parliament, without the need to change the country’s Constitution.
The Constitution would have to be revised if Romania were to switch to a single chamber Parliament and liberals have long argued that they agree with fewer lawmakers, but the Legislative should keep its two-chamber structure.
The liberals’ amendment proposes that a senator should represent 221,000 citizens instead of the current 160,000 and a deputy should represent 110,000 citizens instead of the current 70,000. Nicolaescu said the change would leave the Parliament with 99 senators instead of 137 and 217 deputies instead of 334.