Two Thirds Of Romanian Employees Fear For Their Jobs Over Crisis – Poll
"Unlike at the begging of the international financial crisis, when Romanian employees didn’t feel its effects and were convinced it wouldn’t affect them directly, 69.5% now fear for their jobs. Fears regarding repercussions of the crisis in terms of job loss decrease with age,” NetJobjs said in a press release.
The poll indicates that 75% of the respondents aged 18 to 25, 71% of those aged 26 to 35 and 68% of those aged 35 to 50 are worried about their jobs. Also, 62% of respondents aged 51 to 65 consider the crisis will affect their jobs.
By fields of activity, most employees in agriculture/forestry (98% of respondents), real estate (98% ), secretariat/administration (96%), telecom (95%) and finance/accounting (91%) are concerned that they might lose their jobs. The least worried were those working in education and internet /new media, where only 29% and 40%, respectively, fear for their jobs.
The poll was conducted online on Nov 17-30 and had 862 respondents.