Bucharest Police Chief Transfer Unrelated To Mall Conflict - Min

Romanian Ministry of Administration and Interior on Friday said the transfer of Bucharest Police chief Marian Tutilescu to the department for driver’s licenses and registrations is work-related and has no connections whatsoever with the recent scandal involving a police officer at a Bucharest mall.


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Bucharest Police Chief Transfer Unrelated To Mall Conflict - Min

The ministry said in a statement that it wants to “eliminate any speculations” regarding a possible connection between Tutilescu’s replacement and the incident at the mall.
On Thursday, official sources told reporters that Tutilescu was replaced as chief of police in the aftermath of the conflict. 
Late February, Bucharest police arrested five people, including police officer Eugen Preda, following a conflict with the guardians in charge of security at Bucharest mall
Plaza Romania.
The ministry started an investigation at the Bucharest Police with respect of the modality in which police officers maintain public order.
Bucharest Police deputy commissioner Adam Catalin, coordinator of the intervention at the mall, police quaestor Guran Lucian and chief commissioner Stoian Constantin were investigated for negligence while on duty, the ministry said.
Following inquires, the ministry concluded the mentioned officers failed to take real measures to prevent the conflict and treated available information regarding the incident superficially.
“This allowed the incident to occur, and the consequences were a state of uncertainty of the citizens and damages brought to the image of the Police,” the ministry said in its statement.

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