Bucharest Public Transport Drivers Give Up Strike, Resume Work Thursday Evening

Bucharest general mayor Sorin Oprescu said public transport workers who staged a spontaneous strike Thursday decided to give up protests and resume work Thursday evening.


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Bucharest Public Transport Drivers Give Up Strike, Resume Work Thursday Evening

Oprescu said, after negotiations with union leaders, that 89% of the problems presented by public transport unionists concern money management issues.

The mayor said Bucharest public transport authority RATB will undergo internal audit, adding the management must find solutions to solve salary problems.

Public transport employees went on strike Thursday morning saying their pay has decreased, with an austerity budget providing no overtime or Easter bonuses. The general manager of Bucharest's public transport RATB, Gheorghe Aron, has assured workers that jobs will not be slashed.

Bucharest general mayor Sorin Oprescu said the city's budget doesn't have enough money to give public transport workers raises, but added salaries remain the same and no one would be sacked.

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