Bucharest Research Institute Builds Electric Engine For French-Made Hybrid Scooter

The Bucharest Institute for Electronic Research (ICPE) is working on an electric engine for future designs of hybrid scooters which will be manufactured by a French automotive company.


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Bucharest Research Institute Builds Electric Engine For French-Made Hybrid Scooter

"We participate as partners of a French company in producing a hybrid scooter that will have its electric engine placed in the wheel, and if the engine we are working on passes the tests planned for this autumn, it will be licensed and engine production will start," the institute's servomotors department manager Mihaela Scortescu told MEDIAFAX Friday.

The autonomy of the hybrid scooter will depend on the fuels the beneficiary will choose to use.

Over the past years, ICPE has created a series of electric propulsion systems whose power ranges between 200W and 2KW, Scortescu said.

So far, the institute produced several experimental vehicles, such as small and medium-size vehicles and a microbus, but these systems didn't make it into mass production.

The institute's Servomotors Department has 59 employees that make special electric servomotors mainly for the industrial sector.

The institute is 62% owned by an association of its employees and the remaining stake is owned by Romania's regional investment fund SIF Muntenia (SIF4.RO).

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