Bucharest’s Credit Bureau Stores Data On 3.8 Million People, 6.1 Million Accounts

Bucharest’s Credit Bureau has so far stored data on the financial behavior of 3.8 million people with over 6 million accounts, thus, adding another two million people to its database, compared with 2006, the Bureau’s general manager Serban Epure said.

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Bucharest’s Credit Bureau Stores Data On 3.8 Million People, 6.1 Million Accounts

Currently, 18 lenders which jointly hold a 56.73% market share, three consumer credit companies and a leasing company offer positive information.
Epure hopes that the number of banks offering positive information will go up by yearend, so as to reach a market share of at least 80%.
Participation contracts were also signed with other five banks, two leasing companies, a consumer credit company, an insurance company, two mobile network operators and a company specialized in receivable recovery.
The Credit Bureau has so far issued over 14.7 million credit reports. According to Epure, most requests were registered in July 2007, when 678,000 reports were issued.

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