Bucharest Subway Co Metrorex Awards RON31.5M Cleaning Contract To Romprest

Romanian state-owned subway company Metrorex awarded sanitation firm Romprest Integrated Services a 31.5 million lei (EUR1=RON4.1142) four-year contract, VAT excluded, to clean the subway’s public and technical spaces, as well as trains.


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Bucharest Subway Co Metrorex Awards RON31.5M Cleaning Contract To Romprest

If the auction is not challenged in court, Metrorex and Romprest will sign a frame-contract to include subsequent contracts on minimum three months and maximum one year.

The agreement is financed from the state budget and Metrorex's own funds and was awarded according to the smallest price criterion.

Romprest was founded in 1999 and has over 6,000 employees. In 2008 Romprest had a RON120 million turnover.

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