Bucharest Subway Murderer Sentenced To Life In Prison

The Bucharest Court handed out a sentence of life in prison for 37-year old Magdalena Serban, who killed a young woman after pushing her in front of a Bucharest subway train in 2017, in a first decision in the case.


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Bucharest Subway Murderer Sentenced To Life In Prison

The suspect will remain in protective custody for the rest of the trial and will be forced to undergo medical treatment, while also paying EUR60,000 in moral damages towards the victim’s boyfriend and another woman she attempted to murder in a similar fashion. The decision is not final and can be appealed.

The woman, 37-year Magdalena Serban, shocked the public after throwing a 25-year old woman onto the train tracks of the Bucharest’s Dristor subway station in December 2017, resulting in the victim’s death after being hit by the incoming train. Serban had never met the victim before the incident.

The aggressor had tried to do the same thing with another young woman in a different station hours before, but the victim managed to resist and fight her off.

In the last hearing before the sentence, Serban said that she regretted her acts and that she was suffering from mental problems, with her attorney stating that she has delirious moments during which she exhibits “manslaughter tendencies”.

However, a legal psychiatric examination she undertook in February showed that she was liable to be criminally prosecuted, though noted that she had a low capacity of discernment at the moment of the crime.

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