Bucharest Subway Operator Signs EUR66M Consulting Contract For New Mainline

Publicat: 15 12. 2011, 15:03
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 20:32

The consortium includes companies Padeco (Japan), Oriental Consultants (Japan), Metroul SA Romania, Seneca Group International and Systra (France).

Works will probably start in 2013 and the new subway line might be opened to traffic in 2017-2018, Metrorex general manager Gheorghe Udriste said Thursday.

The new 14-kilometer subway line will be Bucharest’s sixth mainline, an investment estimated at EUR800 million, without VAT.

The project is financed with a EUR320 million loan granted by Japan, through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), funds from the state budget and financing from other sources that have yet to be found.