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Romanian President Basescu Pledges Support For NATO, Israel In Case Of Conflict With Iran

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Thursday that, in case of a conflict with Iran, Romania will be a loyal partner to NATO and to Israel.
Romanian President Basescu Pledges Support For NATO, Israel In Case Of Conflict With Iran

„I think now is not the time to talk about a conflict. We hope the sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council will push Tehran to choose the correct solution – not digging holes for American troops, but opening transparent negotiations,” said Basescu.

The Romanian head of state stressed that it is essential for the current situation to evolve favorably through negotiations.

„In our opinion, diplomacy must be the solution to Iran’s dispute with the world, with democracy,” said Basescu.

The UN Security Council imposed new sanctions against Iran on June 9, for the fourth time since 2006, in an attempt to push the Middle Eastern state to suspend its „sensitive nuclear activities” and „assure the international community of [the program’s] peaceful purposes.”

The Security Council adopted Resolution 1929, put forward by the United States and co-sponsored by Germany, France and the United Kingdom, with 12 votes for, two against (Brazil and Turkey) and one abstention (Lebanon). The act bans Iran from investing abroad in interests such as uranium mining and production of nuclear materials, and also allows Iranian ships to be inspected in international waters.

European Union leaders also decided to adopt new sanctions, mainly targeting Iran’s energy sector, said AFP, citing diplomatic sources.