EBRD Worst Case Scenario Sees Romanian Population At 13M In 2050
According to this pessimistic variant, Romania will have a population of 20.11 million people in 2015 and 18.41 million people in 2025, according to an EBRD report.
Data from the Romanian National Institute of Statistics indicates that Romania had a population of 21.62 million people in mid-2005.
EBRD also published an optimistic scenario for the demographic evolution in Romania.
Thus, the number of inhabitants would be slightly higher than 19 million people in 2050, less than the level estimated for 2025, of 20.55 million people.
For 2015, Romania’s population is forecast at 21.08 million people.
In Romania, as well as in Ukraine and Bulgaria, the population is decreasing by natural causes, while migration worsens the process.
Previous estimations issued by the World Bank, Eurostat and the United Nations indicated a population of 16-17 million inhabitants for Romania in 2050.