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Romanian Protocol Auth Ups Yard Rent For Ex-President Tenfold – Paper

Romania’s former president Ion Iliescu was notified by the state protocol authority RA-APPS he has to pay a monthly rent of EUR1,000 for his yard, tenfold his current rent, daily "Cotidianul" reported.
Romanian Protocol Auth Ups Yard Rent For Ex-President Tenfold - Paper
27 mart. 2008, 08:12, English
Iliescu refused to pay. Although he owns since 1996 the home he lives in, the social democrat doesn’t own the land around the place.
"When, along two other owners, bought the house, we couldn’t buy the yard as well, so we pay rent to RA-APPS. We, the three families, own the house, and we have always paid rent for the yard. They sent a proposal for a huge sum and the rent I would have to pay alone exceeds my wage as senator. It’s completely unrealistic. They’ve proposed a monthly rent of some EUR1,000, which is ten times higher than what I have paid until now," Iliescu told "Cotidianul".
Iliescu added the sum is claimed for only half the yard, as the rest is used by his neighbors. He said he is outraged by the price increase and he doesn’t plan to pay.
"I haven’t paid it yet and I don’t plan to either. I’ve taken the matter up with the people in charge and we’ll see what there is to be done (…) I don’t know what led to such a measure, but it’s unacceptable," Iliescu said.