Bush Vows To Work With Romania To Improve Visa Issue

U.S. president George W. Bush in a speech in Romania’s seaside resort of Neptun Wednesday said he discussed the issue of visas with Romanian President Traian Basescu and agreed to collaborate to improve the situation.


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Bush Vows To Work With Romania To Improve Visa Issue

Bush said he understands Romanians’ frustrations with the need for visas to travel to the U.S. He added he tried to convince the Congress to modernize the visa law. 
The law has been amended, he said, but still includes obstacles for countries such as Romania.
The U.S. president assured Basescu they would collaborate so as to observe the American law while improving the situation for Romanians who plan to visit relatives in the U.S., for instance.
Bush said the Romanian president was very “articulate” in addressing the visa issue.
"One of the benefits of a good friendship is that he (president Traian Basescu - e.n.) is not afraid of telling me what’s on his mind,” Bush said.
Bush added the Romanian president made it clear that visa policy in America must take into account Romanian past, present and future.
Bush said he fully understands the frustrations of Romanian people.
"Citizens say: «Wait a minute, we are contributing soldiers in Iraq and yet we’re not treated like other nations in the European Union». And those frustrations are clearly understandable, so I went to Congress and tried to get them to modernize the visa law and, although they changed the law, it still creates certain hurdles for nations like Romania,” Bush said.
The U.S. official added he assured Basescu America will work with Romania to improve the law.
"Hopefully, the new law and our cooperation will make it easier for Romanian citizens to come and visit their relatives," Bush said.
However, he added, situations where someone goes to the United States and doesn’t plan to come back must also be considered.
"The subject came up, it is clear that there is a level of frustration, I explained our new laws in effect and we’ll work closely with the Romanian government to meet our laws and, at the same time, meet the demands of our strong and good ally,” Bush concluded.

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