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Romanian Church Ranks First In Income Tax Redirection Ranking

Almost one third of the Romanians who redirected 2% of their income tax to a non-profit organization last year gave to the Church or church foundations, while 10% chose Save the Children or the state-run emergency service SMURD, said a poll by market research company GfK released Monday.
Romanian Church Ranks First In Income Tax Redirection Ranking
03 mai 2010, 12:04, English

The company’s press release said that only 60% of income earners know they can redirect 2% of their revenue tax to a non-profit organization, and only 56% of those who know chose to do so in 2009.

The Church and church foundations ranked first with 29% of donors, followed by state-run emergency service SMURD with 10%, and international foundation Save the Children with 9% of donations. Children In Need and the Red Cross each received around 6% of all redirections. Approximately 8% of those who redirected their 2% gave to schools and foundations which support the arts.

Almost 60% of interviewees cited friends, family, acquaintances or the company they are employed at as the main factor influencing their choice of non-profit to donate to. Only a quarter of those who know they can redirect their tax money chose their charity based on mass-media campaigns.

The main reasons for not redirecting the 2% in 2009 were lack of interest, cited by 28% of interviewees, and lack of income, cited by 26%.

The intent to donate has sensibly increased from last year, as nearly 75% of those in the know said they would do so in 2010. Next year’s ranking by potential donors is the same as the one posted in 2009.

According to the GfK press release, Romania’s favorite cause is that of children in need or abandoned. Senior citizens rank second, followed by the Church, individuals with special needs and the environment. Fighting against domestic violence and helping HIV/AIDS afflicted individuals raised the interest of only 2% of those interviewed.

The GfK Omnibus poll was conducted in March 2010, on a sample of 426 individuals.

GfK Romania is a branch of the German market research group GfK.