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SMS Accuses Romanian Immigrants Of Organ Trafficking In France

An SMS message saying that Romanian immigrants kidnap kids to sell their organs created a genuine psychosis in France, according to La Provence, which adds that police have not yet identified any case of this type so far.
SMS Accuses Romanian Immigrants Of Organ Trafficking In France
20 iun. 2008, 15:57, English

The famous SMS circulated among French schools mentions that "girls were kidnapped for organ trafficking" by people "who pose as blood collectors (…) It seems that they are Romanians and they are the ones who killed the girl at Malpasse" (hinting at the disappearance of a girl named Fatima on May 7, near the mentioned subway station).

"We have checked these accusations, but they were not confirmed," said a police official.

"We feel that innocent people might become victims of retaliation based exclusively on ethnicity," said the source, adding that one Romanian fell victim to this type of violence this week in northern Marseilles.

According to the quoted source, parents, children and teachers developed a real psychosis and constant fear. The police received numerous calls signaling kidnapping attempts and sightings of the mysterious van in which the kidnappers travel.

Police feels that the rumors regarding the truck used by the alleged kidnappers is a confusion brought by a case that occurred last Wednesday, when a 17-year old girl was immobilized and raped in a blue van. The author of this attack, a 30-year old male, was sentenced to prison, but this did not prevent the rumors.