Romania Labor Min To Resume Negotiations For ’08 Minimum Wage

Publicat: 20 11. 2007, 17:12
Actualizat: 05 11. 2012, 16:16

“The unionists need to understand that the offer of RON500 ensures a 28% hike of the minimum wage against the level for 2007, which covers inflation. A minimum wage of RON550 would have a devastating impact on inflation. We will reopen negotiations with unions and ownerships Monday afternoon, and we will keep our offer of RON500. The employers’ offer is close to ours,” Pacuraru said in a press conference.

“The minimum wage of RON500 is not a wage that can buy happiness, but we have to see what Romania can and cannot do,” Pacuraru added.

The Romanian authorities decided last week to set the minimum wage for 2008 at RON500, below the unionists’ suggestions, of RON550 – RON700.

On Tuesday, the leaders of Romania’s five union confederations said will decide on ways to protest as they disagree with the government’s proposed minimum wage and state budget for 2008.