Romanian Govt To Meet, Discuss Law Pack Amendments Sunday

Publicat: 09 09. 2009, 16:48
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:28

Boc said during the Cabinet meeting that lawmakers have until Saturday to submit amendments.

„On Saturday, the ministers involved will analyze the amendments, together with the prime minister, and on Sunday, we will hold a government meeting to decide which of the amendmets can be accepted, within the boundaries of the governing agenda, the national pact on education, the established macroeconomic limits, the reference indexes within agreements with the IMF and the World Bank. On Tuesday, we will appear before the Parliament with a final form of the laws,” Boc said.

The draft laws on national education, the unitary wage system and the reorganization of government agencies with the reduction of public spending were sent to Parliament for analysis before the Government enacts them by assuming responsibility before Parliament.