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Romanian President Promulgates Civil Procedure Code, Criminal Procedure Code

Romanian President Traian Basescu promulgated Wednesday the Civil Procedure Code and the Criminal Procedure Code.
Romanian President Promulgates Civil Procedure Code, Criminal Procedure Code
30 iun. 2010, 20:36, English

Last Tuesday, Romania’s Chamber of Deputies adopted the draft Civil Procedure Code and Criminal Procedure Code, following an article-by-article vote.

The draft Civil Procedure Code was adopted with 213 votes for and one abstention. The Criminal Procedure Code was adopted with 212 votes for, one vote against and three abstentions. The Chamber adopted several amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code, proposed by UDMR deputy Marton Arpad.

Romania’s President Traian Basescu sent a letter last Monday to the presidents of the two chambers of the country’s Parliament, renewing his demand that the Civil and Criminal Procedure Codes be adopted before the beginning of summer recess. Basescu had sent the two chamber presidents a similar letter on June 2.

On June 25, 2009, the Parliament adopted the new and revised Criminal Code and Civil Code, after awarding the Government a confidence vote on the matter. The two codes were published in the Official Journal on July 24, 2009. The Government must submit draft laws for enforcing the two codes to the Parliament within one year from their publication.