Can Pack Romania Completes EUR50M Investment to Raise Output Capacity

Publicat: 30 10. 2018, 17:11
Actualizat: 30 10. 2018, 17:12

This is the factory’s second production line.

Can Pack makes packaging for Heineken, SABMiller, Bergenbier and Tuborg Romania. It sells 60% of its production domestically and the rest abroad to Cyprus, Turkey, Greece, Moldova, Hungary, South Africa and other countries.

The company’s turnover grew 35% on the year in the first nine months of 2018, said company general manager Cristian Cornea.

The factory in Bucharest, , a local barometer of the consumption of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, had a rturnover of RON389 million in 2017 compared with RON361 million in 2016, and a net profit of RON34.6 million compared with RON38 million in 2016.

Apart from the factory in Romania, Polish group Can-Pack, majority owned by F&P Holding, has production units in Poland, Ukraine, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Dubai, France, India, Morocco. The group has 6,500 employees and a turnover of over EUR1 billion.