Family Of Romanian Deceased In Austria Disclaims Death Caused By AH1N1 Virus

Publicat: 14 11. 2009, 11:50
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:35

The family of the deceased accuses the Austrian medical authorities of negligence as the ambulance service disregarded the family’s call for assistance. They also said that, according to the medical file, the man died due to an infection which led to lung embolism followed by a heart attack.

The man’s family filed a complaint with the Police in Schwarzach.

Austrian television Oe24 said on its website Wednesday a Romanian national died in a hospital in Schwarzach, Austria, of a heart attack most likely due to complication caused by the A H1N1 virus.

The Romanian was working in Austria since March, the website reported.

„The patient’s health evolution was unfavorable. Vomiting caused him to dehydrate,” said regional director of health services in Salzburg, Christoph Koenig, adding complications led to respiratory insufficiency which affected the patient’s lungs and heart.

Spokesperson of Romania’s Foreign Affairs Ministry Alin Serbanescu told MEDIAFAX Thursday the Romanian Embassy to Vienna was informed the patient who died in Vienna was a Romanian national.