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Romanian Prosecutors Probe Privatization Auth Head Over Alleged Exaggerate Expenses

Romanian anticorruption prosecutors subpoenaed the head of the privatization authority AVAS, Teodor Atanasiu for a hearing on Tuesday in connection to his activity as president of the County Council in Alba, central country.
Romanian Prosecutors Probe Privatization Auth Head Over Alleged Exaggerate Expenses
14 apr. 2008, 20:54, English
Media reports alleged Atanasiu is investigated over exaggerate public expenses conducted during June-December 2004, when he headed the Alba County Council.
Atanasiu will also be heard in connection to a consultancy agreement signed between mayors in Alba county and a specialized company, according to the media reports.
“I believe this is a new episode of the series in which DNA (the National Anticorruption Department – e.n.) is used as electoral instrument, and now they are trying to compromise the image of Teodor Atanasiu as a sacrifice to the one they call Zeus (Romania’s President Traian Basescu – e.n.),” Atanasiu said in a statement.
He said he wanted to inform the media about his hearing on Tuesday, as he was questioned by reporters on several occasions.
“I will go to DNA because I have nothing to hide and I want to observe the rigors of the laws just like any other citizen,” Atanasiu said in the statement.