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Minister: Romania Will Have Code Of Conduct For Staff Managing EU Funds

Romanian Minister for European Affairs Leonard Orban said Thursday the ministry will draw up by the end of November a code of conduct targeting those tasked with managing EU-funded projects to avoid cases of incompatibility and conflict of interest.
Minister: Romania Will Have Code Of Conduct For Staff Managing EU Funds
Ioana Tudor
13 oct. 2011, 18:19, English

The Government decided Wednesday to set up a workgroup whose duty is to draw up a draft code of conduct by the end of next month, said Orban at the conference Mediafax Talks about European Funds.

Referring to his priorities, the minister said he wants to simplify EU fund management procedures. He pointed out that Romania „applied requirements regarding pre-accession funds to structural funds”, which makes procedures complicated.

Orban also said he will ask the Government to call on authorities managing EU funds to post on their websites information regarding refund requests.