Romanian Unionists Threaten Protests Over Planned Layoffs

Publicat: 18 01. 2010, 16:27
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:43

Cartel Alfa decided Monday that unionists will picket the Finance Ministry starting next week.

Hossu said talks with employers in the industry sector will be held so that procedures to prolong technical unemployment in 2010 start by Thursday.

The Government has already approved an emergency ordinance to scrap 15,000 jobs in the education sector in 2010.

Some 3,000 more jobs will be scrapped in the social assistance sector and layoffs will target employees in administration and not social assistants, according to Labor Ministry representatives.

The latest draft law regarding layoffs stipulates that about 17,000 local administration employees might be sacked this year, and the first targeted by the draft law are employees close to retirement and those who have no children in care.

Romania’s state-owned railway companies will lay off a total 10,342 employees, of whom more than 6,000 work for freight railway company CFR Marfa, the Transport Ministry said recently.