Boc also told ministers the Government program is „compulsory reading”.
People close to the matter said the warning came after the chief of the Department for relations with the Parliament, Valentin Iliescu told the prime minister during Wednesday’s meeting that the draft laws agreed on with the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission are not delayed, but many of the normative acts included into the Government program were not even drawn up.
Iliescu said that the number of emergency decrees is still huge and the Government’s normative acts are not properly and expertly upheld during Parliament plenary meetings and debates in Parliament committees.
Iliescu also told Boc that secretaries of states lack expertise when it comes to uphold draft laws proposed by the Government, adding most of them skip debates in Parliament committees, where opposition parties are better represented, the sources said.
After talks with Iliescu, the prime minister threatened to sack all secretaries of states who fail to accomplish their duties.