Carturesti Opens Bookstore in Timisoara

Bookstore chain Carturesti, owned by Nicoleta Dumitru and Serban Radu, has opened a new unit in downtown Timisoara, western Romania, reaching a total of 37 bookstores in Romania.


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Carturesti Opens Bookstore in Timisoara

The bookstore in Timisoara has an area of 320 square meters and was designed by Square One architects, who also worked on other Carturesti bookstores.

Carturesti is the first concept-bookstore in Romania, opened at the end of 2000. Carturesti flagship bookstores include, among others, Carturesti Carusel, Carturesti Verona, the biggest bookstore of Carturesti chain, and Carturesti Modul, a visual culture bookstore.

The chain opened 11 bookstores in 2019, including its first outside Romania, in Chisinau, Moldova.

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