The President mate the statement during the ceremony swearing in the new members of the Competition Council: Bogdan Chiritoiu, president, Otilian Neagoe, vice-president, and Mircea Valentin and Dan Ionescu, competition advisers. All will serve five-year terms.
The event took place at Cotroceni Palace, in the presence of Prime Minister Emil Boc.
Basescu thanked the former president of the Council for his performance, noting that during his term the institution gained a lot of credibility, especially with the European Union. The President warned the new members of the council to not give up on competition laws in a time when the temptation of governments, institutions and companies to apply uncompetitional practises is higher, and to not “misstep” due to “political pressure or decisions.”
Basescu told the new members of the Competition Council that it is their duty to keep Romania’s economy based on competition.