CBRE: Retailers Still Maintain High Interest For Romanian Market

Romania ranks third of 73 countries in the world by the number of retail brand entries in 2010, in a survey of real estate consultancy firm CB Richard Ellis.


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CBRE: Retailers Still Maintain High Interest For Romanian Market

"India and Turkey outrank Romania, as internal demand from the newly formed middle class keeps rising. Countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Ireland or Belgium are in positions similar to Romania's," said a CBRE Romania news release.

India attracted eight new entries in 2010, Turkey drew seven and Romania drew six retailers.

Furthermore, Romania ranks 33rd among the 73 markets analyzed, with respect for international retailer presence. Among them, the fashion&denim segment has the best representation.

"Despite a stronger presence by luxury brands over the past 12-18 months, Romania still has room for expansion, as only 7% of this retailer category is present locally," the document reads.

More than half of retailers choose to expand in Romania through franchises, namely 56%, while brands such as H&M, Inditex and C&A, New Yorker chose a direct presence.

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