Romanian Parliament Sends Education Bill Back To Govt

Publicat: 29 11. 2010, 16:33
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 22:50

Dusa said the standing bureaus decided to send the vote of confidence request back to the Government, as the Constitutional Court has ruled the procedure unconstitutional.

People close to the matter said the decision was adopted with 13 votes in favor and 12 votes against.

Opposition liberals Monday withdrew their support for the no-confidence motion submitted by opposition lawmakers after the Government pulled the education bill from the Senate and sought to adopt it through a confidence vote.The no-confidence motion no longer meets the required number of signatures in order to be debated.

End-October the Constitutional Court acknowledged a legal conflict on constitutional grounds between the Government and Parliament over the education bill, which had been pulled from the Senate. According to the court’s motivation, the Government’s decision to withdraw the education bill from the Senate is groundless, as the adoption of the act was not that urgent, given the measures it includes would have applied starting with the 2011-2012 school year.

Mid-November, the Government asked the Constitutional Court in a letter to take note of a legal conflict between the Executive and the Parliament, triggered by the lawmakers’ refusal to present and debate on the no-confidence motion filed by the opposition after the Executive sought a confidence vote in Parliament to pass the education bill.

The Court ruled last week the Government may adopt the country’s education bill through a confidence vote in Parliament.