Dacia, Nokia, Petrom, Rompetrol, Romania’s Top Exporters In 2010
Other companies that contributed to Romania’s exports to EU countries are Honeywell Technologies, Daewoo-Mangalia Heavy, Flextronics Manufacturing, Continental Automotive, Philip Morris Italia and Alro Slatina.
Outside the EU, some of the country’s biggest exporters were ArcelorMittal Galaţi, Renault Industrie Roumanie, STX RO Offshore Tulcea, Holzindustrie Schweighofer and Azomures.
Romania tripled its exports to Canada, and registered significant increases in exports to Turkey (76.8%), Japan (74.7%), Russia (62.1%), USA (61%), Ukraine (53%), Mexico (51%), South Korea (49.3%), and China (45.1%).
Romania’s also registered higher exports to Armenia (511%), Azerbaijan (112.5%), Kazakhstan (66.86%), South Africa (99.5%), Libya (50.1%), Vietnam (74.8%) and Brazil (61.6%).
Romanian exports stood at EUR37.25 billion last year, 28.1% higher compared with 2009. Imports were up 19.9% in 2010, to EUR46.7 billion.
Romania mainly imported products and services from Germany, Italy, Hungary, France, China and Russia.