CCR: Until 14 February, the parties in the Presidency-Parliament conflict are to express their views

Publicat: 11 02. 2020, 12:28
Actualizat: 11 02. 2020, 12:30

Marcel Ciolacu announced on Monday that he is filing a complaint at the Constitutional Court, signed by him as president of the Chamber of Deputies and the head of the Senate, regarding the appointment of Ludovic Orban as prime minister by president Klaus Iohannis. He added that the referral would be made even if that doesn’t stop Orban’s appointment as prime minister.

After Orban Government was toppled in a no-confidence vote, president Klaus Iohannis decided to nominate Ludovic Orban again as prime minister.

PNL submitted to the Parliament on Monday the governance program and the list of ministers and the Permanent Joint Legislative Offices are to have a meeting to establish the timing of the hearings and the date for the plenary vote on the new Cabinet.