Romanian Gas Prices May Be Cut In Autumn – Econ Min Official

Publicat: 07 05. 2009, 16:09
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:20

"Gas prices fell at international level but, even if consumption also dropped, we cannot decrease prices as we would no longer be able to store gas for the winter. Some 22% of the gas is imported, in May and June we have to increase imports, and then, in July-September, there might be a decrease in the imported gas percentage point and in the gas price, but we should be careful as Romania’s power watchdog ANRE did not manage to set up a procedure for the storage price," Serban stated.

Serban added that private companies are not willing to solve the problems in this sector.

Romania’s power watchdog ANRE head Petru Lificiu said Tuesday that the natural gas and electricity tariffs for household clients might be cut as of July 1, but ANRE does not have all the data to justify such a decision yet.

ANRE cut gas prices by 3% as of May 1.