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Romanian Lower Chamber Adopts Family Allowance Bill

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies on Monday approved with 171 votes in favor, 49 votes against and five abstentions the draft law on family allowance, whose articles were adopted last week.
Romanian Lower Chamber Adopts Family Allowance Bill
Ioana Tudor
20 dec. 2010, 16:09, English

According to the draft act, single-parent family allowances and couple family allowances will be reduced. The draft act lowers the required income cap to 370 lei (EUR1=RON4.2897) per family member, from RON470.

Allowances for families with an average monthly income below RON200 were set at: RON30 for one-child families, RON60 for families with two children, RON90 for families with three children and RON120 for families with more than four children.

For an average monthly income between RON201 and RON370, allowances will range between RON25 and RON100, considering the number of children.

The single-parent family allowance will range between RON50 and RON200, also considering the number of children, reads the draft act.