„Crime dynamics have not seen considerable changes compared to the past years. There has been a 13% increase in reported crime this year, but this fits in the upward trend of the past years,” the ministry said in a statement.
The highest increase in crime activity was reported in the economic-financial field rather than the judicial segment, so that this summer control was strengthened to fight illegal merchandise transports.
Assets worth 15.4 million lei (EUR1=RON4.1851) and 153 vehicles involved in the illegal transport of merchandise were confiscated in the three months of summer, and 433 people are currently investigated for economic-financial crimes, the ministry said.
This year 1,770 operations were organize to fight organized crime and 5,000 people were brought in for hearings regarding drug trafficking.
Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc announced his intention on Monday to sack Interior Minister Dan Nica Boc, pointing to the poor state of public safety and rebuking the minister for his recent statements regarding fraud at the upcoming presidential elections.
„People feel threatened in the streets, and, moreover, the crime rate has increased by at least 13% on the year in 2009. Streets have gotten out of hand, crime has grown, especially crimes that we haven’t had so far – robbery, armed robbery and others of this kind,” Boc said.
Boc added new momentum is needed to restore Romanians’ confidence in the country’s institutions.