Romanian Family Doctors Likely To Resume Issuing Compensated Medicine As Of Thursday
Family doctor representatives said several issues had been identified and it remains to be seen whether they can be solved with the support of their colleagues in the country. Union leader Doina Mihaila said a legally-binding protocol might be signed on Wednesday and family doctors could resume issuing prescriptions for compensated medicine on Thursday.
Family Doctors’ Association president Rodica Tanasescu was satisfied with the steps forward in the negotiations, but pointed out that several technical issues remain to be worked out on Wednesday.
Health Minister Cseke Attila said that, in his opinion, the debate „should have taken place much earlier,” adding that talks scheduled for Wednesday will be attended by officials of the National Health Insurance House.
Romanian family doctors announced on April 1 that they will not sign the new frame contract until the primary healthcare system receives around 10,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.0967), up from the current RON4,200. Furthermore, family doctor associations announced they will no longer prescribe compensated and free medicine, because the new contract has been approved without their input.
The National Association for Patient Protection asked that the contract’s implementation be delayed for three months, to allow more time for debates attended by family doctors.
The frame contract on healthcare in 2010 was approved by the Government in its March 31 meeting and was published in the Official Gazette on April 1.