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Romanian Govt Will Consider Min Wage Hike After 1H Results – PM

The Romanian government doesn’t exclude the possibility of raising the minimum wage but talks on this issue will be held after the analysis of economic results in the first half of the year, Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday.
Romanian Govt Will Consider Min Wage Hike After 1H Results - PM
20 mai 2009, 13:20, English

The prime minister attended talks at the Ministry of Labor regarding the single unitary law regulating wages in the public sector.

Boc reiterated the law would be applied to all government structures and agencies, regardless of how each institution is financed.

Romanian unions said Tuesday the minimum wage in Romania should be increased to 800 lei (EUR1=RON4.1630) this year, from the current level of RON600, in order to keep the purchase power, considering that prices have increase this year.