Boc said on public radio that the government checked 85,000 of the total 288,401 files for minimum income and suspended 20,000, resulting in around EUR11 million in yearly savings.
Out of a total of 549,906 files for disability indemnities, 51,000 were checked and 7,300 were found to have been drawn up illegally and suspended, saving the state EUR5 million per year, Boc said.
According to the prime minister, authorities checked 48,869 of the 654,000 files for invalidity pensions which can be revised (out of a total 915,656 files) and suspended 3,403 files, saving up EUR5 million.
Labor Minister Mihai Seitan said Sunday that about a quarter of the files for minimum income investigated by authorities had been suspended, because their beneficiaries were not entitled to aid. In addition, thousands of files for disability indemnities and invalidity pensions were found to be groundless and were suspended, Seitan said.