Chilean Winemakers Eye Romanian Mkt

Winemakers in Chile, which is considered a “miracle” of the world wine market after its exports grew significantly in the past ten years, are seeking partnerships and mull investments on the Romanian wine market.


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Chilean Winemakers Eye Romanian Mkt

Chile went from exports of 2% of production in 1984 to over 80% in 2006, when exported wine totaled over $1 billion.
Unlike Chile, Romania has taken a reverse path as far as wine exports are concerned, and Romanian companies might have a lot to learn from Chile.
"We can learn from them how to promote our wines. We still have great confidence in our traditional products,” said Ovidiu Gheorghe, general manager of Romania’s vines and winemaking employers’ association.
Chileanm companies consider the Romanian market is attractive, but they plan to begin by learning more about Romania, its wines and its producers.
"A crucial element in cooperation is knowledge. We plan to offer investors more information on Romania, which is an interesting market,” said Mario Benavente, head of the foreign investments department in the Chilean Foreign Affairs Ministry.

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