Romanian Women’s Team Gets Gold In European Gymnastics Championship

Publicat: 05 04. 2008, 17:55
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 08:52

The Romanian team was formed of Steliana Nistor, Sandra Izbasa, Gabriela Dragoi, Anamaria Tamarjan and Cerasela Patrascu.

Romania, with a score of 181.525, was followed by Russia, with 179.475, and France, with 177.175.

The Romanian team last won the European title in 2004, in Amsterdam, while in 2006, in Volos, Romania took second place.

The apparatus competition will take place Sunday.

The president of the Romanian Gymnastics Federation, Adrian Stoica, told MEDIAFAX that the European gold obtained by the Romanian women’s team will be a great "balloon of oxygen" before the Olympics, adding that the gymnasts will return from Clermont-Ferrand with their heads held high.

"We are all happy. This is the first European gold for this team, for the new generation, and it represents a great balloon of oxygen for the girls before the Olympics. It was a very tough competition, but today, in the finals, the girls were better. They can be pleased, as well as proud of their results. They will return home with their heads held high. We hope that we will have good results in the Sunday apparatus finals as well, but personally, I hope that the girls realize that the Olympics are an entirely different thing and I hope they will be strong," Stoica said at the end of the competition.